
Scouts and Parents

We never want to forget to thank ALL of our Scouting families for all that you do to make the Pack 323 program the best program in the Heart of America Council.

We Need Your Help!

It takes a large and committed group of volunteers to make our program work well and be a good environment for all our scout families. This is where we need you; the more parents that get involved, the less overworked our other leaders will be!

From Den leaders and assistants, committee members, to leaders for various events throughout the year, we need people to help in many areas both behind the scenes and in front of our scouts. This is something that does NOT require anyone with any scouting experience– maybe you are very organized and can help lead an event– maybe something you do in your job or as a hobby would make for an interesting talk with some of the scouts.

We encourage you to talk to the leaders, from the Cubmaster to the Committee Chairperson to the Den leaders– find out what you can do to contribute to where our program goes tomorrow!

Leadership Roster

We have made up a roster with names and contact information for all our Pack and Den leaders. For privacy issues we did not want to post this online– please contact us and we can provide this information to you.

Getting Involved

We strongly encourage you to submit the volunteer form.  Please note that by filling out the form is not a commitment, but rather helps the existing leadership team identify where your interests align with the pack needs.  Some events, like the pinewood derby, will also need ad-hoc volunteers to help with setup, cleanup, and so on to help it run smoothly.  Information about those needs will be communicated as needed.  Be sure to check out the bottom of this page for more information about each of the positions.

Volunteer Positions

Cubmaster / Assistant Cubmaster

The leader of the pack meeting is the Cubmaster.  In addition to serving as the master of ceremonies the Cubmaster provides support to Den Leaders. 

Den Leaders / Assistant Den Leaders

An adult, usually a parent, serves as a Den Leader. They carry out the activities related to adventures as they are presented in the Cub Scout’s handbook and the Den Leader Guide. 

Committee Chair / Assistant Committee Chair

The top volunteer in the pack is the Pack Committee Chair.  They are responsible for ensuring enough qualified adult volunteers are in place to provide the program.  They lead the pack committee meetings. 


Manages the dues and overall finances of the Pack. 


Quartermasters serve as the Pack's supply boss. They keep an inventory of pack equipment and see that the gear is in good condition. At committee meetings, they report on the status of equipment in need of replacement or repair.

Popcorn Kernel / Assistant Popcorn Kernel

Committee Chair coordinating the Pack's Popcorn Sales Fundraiser

Pinewood Derby Chair / Assistant Pinewood Derby Chair

Committee Chair coordinating the Pack's Pinewood Derby Event

Advancement Chair

Committee Chair coordinating with Den Leaders to ensure Scout Advancement is properly tracked and requisitions awards for the monthly Pack meeting.

Recruitment / Welcoming Chair

Committee Chair coordinating Pack visibility with local elementary schools, assisting new pack members, and the Open House event to launch the New Year.

Banquet Chair

Committee Chair typically fulfilled by the moms of all Webelos II. This chair helps coordinate the Blue and Gold Banquet where the Arrow of Light Scouts bridge over to the Troop.

Community and Service Chair

Committee Chair coordinating Pack engagement with the community.  Currently, this involves coordinating the annual Food Drive the pack participates in for Thanksgiving.

Church Chair

Committee Chair coordinating Pack engagement with our chartering church.  Currently, this involves coordinating the Scout Day the Sunday following the Blue and Gold banquet.

Troop Liaison

Committee Chair focused on communicating with the Troop about potential joint activities, engaging patrol members to serve as Den Chiefs and overall keeping communication and relations with the Troop high.


Committee Chair responsible for maintaining the Pack website.