The Pinewood Derby is a cub scouting tradition. Although it is a competitive event and awards are given, the intent of the derby is to provide each scout the opportunity to do their best while having fun competing and cheering on their fellow scouts.
The key lessons that the scouts should take away from the derby:
Sportsmanship and good citizenship are taught by following the derby rules and cheering on friends and den partners as they race against others in the pack.
Personal achievement comes to any boy who picks up a woodworking tool and shapes raw wood into a sleek design. And, by learning woodworking, he prepares himself to more easily serve in the Boy Scouting's service projects.
Family understanding is enhanced because building a pinewood derby car puts the boy and his mom, dad, or other adult partner into a close and sometimes intense learning experience over, potentially, many hours.
2 Workshops are available. The Scout Shop (located at 10210 Holmes Rd) is hosting their Champ Camp Workshop from 10-3 on Saturday January 4th, 2025. This all-day drop-in workshop includes weigh-in help, design ideas and demos...and it’s all FREE!
No pre-registration needed (*excludes painting)
Alternatively, our Pack will also host a workshop on January 11th, 2025 from 8-12 in the church gym. Use the sign-up sheet to reserve your scout's spot now. Slots are available to 2 scouts in 20 minute increments. Walk-ins are welcome, but it's requested that all walk-ins defer equipment usage to those with a reserved time.
We're also seeking adult volunteers to help with setup, man the band saw and sanding stations, and finally for clean-up. Sign-up for these roles is included in the same sign-up form as reserving a slot for your scout.
The success of the Derby Race is highly dependent on many volunteers to help it run smoothly. Work for the event starts on Thursday 1/30 with setting up the track and getting everything prepped and ready. Then, on Friday 1/26, check-ins begin and volunteers are needed to assist with getting all cars registered. This finally culminates in race day on Saturday 1/27 with volunteers needed to manage the derby. Walk-in volunteers are always welcome, but to help delegate responsibility, we have a sign-up form to help volunteers jump right in to managing various tasks needed to run the race.
Pack Derby Rules
The following rules are set forth to provide a fair and fun Pinewood Derby for Cub Scouts of all ages. Some of the rules are to allow the cars to fit the track, while others are to encourage craftsmanship among older and younger scouts using the same materials. All cars must pass inspection to qualify for the race. The inspection points are as follows:
The car must have been made in the months immediately prior to the race. That is, no previously raced cars may be raced again. This encourages the boys to build each year.
The track width of the car may not exceed 2 ¾ inches. This assures it will run on our track without interference with other race cars.
The length of the car shall not exceed 7 3/8 inches.
The weight of the car (including add-ons) shall not exceed 5.00 oz. (.3125 lbs.). This places an emphasis on craftsmanship, rather than weight, to provide the winning edge. Weights must be fixed; no loose materials are permitted. Shot may be used but must be glued in place. Race officials will assist with weigh-in at the car inspection and check-in the day before the race. A single scale will be used for final weigh-in of all cars. Tools will be available for weight reduction if necessary. After each car is officially weighed and verified to have the correct number visible, it will be checked in. It will not be available to be altered or worked on after that point.
Body wood shall be that provided in the kit. Additions, such as fenders and fender skirts, are permitted as long as they meet the other specifications. A wood body must be present, but modifications to the body wood are encouraged in the interest of style. Add-ons, such as engines, headers, and windshields, are available at most hobby stores.
Please Note: Axles shall be those provided in the kit. No hobby store or custom axles will be permitted. Axles may be sanded or polished, but no wheel bearings, bushings, or washers may be used. Axles may be lubricated with dry graphite only. No liquid lubrication.
Please Note: Wheels shall be those provided in the kit or BSA wheels purchased from the Scout store. No hobby store or custom wheels will be permitted. They may not be rounded, wedged, or modified. The BSA lettering must remain visible. All four wheels must be mounted on the car. A minimum of three wheels must touch the race surface.
If a car jumps the track or interferes with another car, the heat will be rerun. Each car is permitted one track-jump during a heat; after that it is disqualified from the heat (not the derby) and the heat will be rerun without the disabled car. After a track jump a racer will be allowed approximately five minutes to correct the cause or make repairs. Hot glue guns will be available.
To maximize fun and fairness, the derby will be conducted so that each boy will race a minimum of 4 heats and will use a different lane in each heat.
Scouts will race by rank and there will be six rank winners (Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos I, and Webelos II). The fastest car from each rank (6 cars), plus the next 14 fastest cars will be allowed to compete in the Pack Championship. Scouts will also be judged and awarded for the following categories: “Fastest Looking”, “Most Creative” and “Most Patriotic”.
The goal of the pinewood derby is to have fun, not only racing, but in building the cars! Encourage your boy to do as much himself as possible, but feel free to help, particularly where power tools are concerned. It is fun to let your Cub Scout choose the design, and you can help him realize it!
Car Inspection and Check-in
Cars shall be checked in on Friday evening before race day. The official scale to be used for race-day will be available and calibrated to ensure accuracy. Additionally, if desired, you will be able to make practice runs once track setup is complete. Be sure to bring (though some will likely be available) a drill, weights and glue as deemed necessary for any adjustments which may be required.
Car Inspection List
Weigh no more than 5.00 oz.
Car does not have any protrusions that extend beyond the start gate or that would interfere with adjacent racers
Number visible on top of car
Wheels and axles are original kit provided by Pack 323 or BSA (provided by the pack)
Wheels have not been modified in any way
4 wheels installed (at least three must be touching on a flat surface)
Clearance appears adequate to prevent derailment
Dry lubricant applied and not messy
No loose or moving parts except for wheels
How is the derby ran?
A race will consist of multiple heats to allow each racer to run 4 times, once on each lane of the track. The racers qualifying time will be based on their 3 fastest times (dropping the slowest time).
The derby is comprised of an optional sibling/parent race and separate den races and finishing with the grand prix. The number of entries for siblings and parents will determine whether there is 1 or 2 additional races. The races lead off with the Parent/sibling races, followed by Arrow of Lights and ending with the Lions as the final qualifying race. The 20 fastest times across all the qualifying races will be eligible to compete in the Grand Prix.
Participants will have access to their vehicles before the Grand Prix starts to make any final adjustments (adding graphite, adjusting wheels and so on so long as their car remains eligible per the check-in rules).
NOTE 1: The order of the races is intentional. Any race day challenges will be sorted out with the non-scout races at the beginning and the youngest scout's race will be closest to the Grand Prix, offering a shorter derby day to them.
NOTE 2: Parents and Siblings will be ineligible for the grand prix race
Can parents / siblings race?
Absolutely! We encourage all to have fun and join in, but be sure you don't forget to email to register and receive your car entry number needed for check-in. Also, check out the FAQ 'How is the derby ran?' for more details on the parent/sibling races.
Can I pick my own car number?
No. We aim to run an efficient race and part of that involves keeping the cars organized. We use specific numbers that help us identify which qualifying race cars belong to and help ensure no duplicates.
Can I use other wheels than those in the kit?
You must use official BSA wheels like those provided in the kit. However, the Scout Shop does offer alternative wheel colors that are BSA approved. You may purchase and use these alternatives if desired, but other wheel options are not allowed.
Can I enter multiple cars for the derby?
All entries must have been created by the participant in the month(s) leading up to the derby, and previous year's cars may not be reused. However, if a participant would like to submit both a race car and a show car (for the non-race awards) please contact to ensure both cars are registered. At this time, we do not allow multiple race entries by a single participant, but you're welcome to use the track on check-in day to select the faster car if you intend to build race cars.